PAT Technology Systems Inc.
Resources Page
Engraver’s Choice is your independent Master Distributor for Installation and Training for the Laser Engravers & CNC Router industries (with 30+ Years of Experience).
We offer generic Full Video Packages for Lightburn, CorelDRAW and EngraveLab. We offer instruction on the Laser Hardware and Software (Suite & Interface), which includes Preventive Maintenance, Troubleshooting and more. The Video Instructions start with taking the unit out of the box and it moves forward from the there.
We would like to create a cross marketing platform, where clients looking for Support and Training vehicles will find these courses and discover your Laser. I find one the most solid reasons the vendors close a laser sale overall is Client Support and especially Video Courses — so they can do it themselves.
We are offering these courses at $250 with 6 Months of Free Phone-Time!
We actively support all major models of DC and RF tube CO2 lasers, as well as Fiber Markers and Cutters.
Let PAT Technology Systems Design Your Filtration System
Contact us today for a free consultation.